Learn from Others.

Educational Model on Snake Scales

Indianapolis Zoo, 2008


Scientific Teaching Collection

Explore the preserved animal collection, herbarium collection, rocks and minerals, microscope slides, replicas, mounts, and models in the McRae Science Center at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School.


Biology Resources

Use this area to navigate content discussed during biology at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School. This section is password protected; to receive access, email mcwhorterma@gosaints.org

NCA with starfish and clam.JPG

Environmental Science Resources

Use this area to navigate content discussed during environmental science. This section is password protected; to receive access, email mcwhorterma@gosaints.org

Bird-voiced Treefrog calling - Lake Thoreau - June 15th, 2010.JPG

Zoology Resources

Use this area to navigate content discussed during zoology. This section is password protected; to receive access, email mcwhorterma@gosaints.org

Audubon Zoo - sea lion showing teeth - January 2010.JPG

Zoo & Museum Pictures

Explore educational institutions around the country through pictures I’ve taken over the years of animals, exhibits, educational content, and more.

5th Grade Science

Welcome to Mrs. Bernhardt's 5th Grade Science class! This webpage will be home to important class information, ISN QR code resources, assignment descriptions, and extra study and practice aids. Click below to get started!

Additional Resources

Explore additional resources. This section is password protected. To explore, contact Marks McWhorter at mcwhorterma@gosaints.org